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Conquering Viking

A member registered Nov 17, 2023

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even downloading the Launcher seems to have problems... the hell have they done

i know who i want to join me there at least :)

could also be cool to have Quarinah do some more water-centered dreams, since you know... dreams... would love to have a very wide variety, though with all i want to do with/to her alone, i don't think you can keep the size under 2 GB, nor finish it before i somehow land a girl in the real world :)

personally i am not expecting a finished game within the next 5 years, simply cause i know coding can be really hard, and getting things to match up can be a headache (not a coder myself, just know a bunch of people that do)

next game? you already planning another one?
please don't get too focused on it, as i want to see this one get finished :)

so we don't get a scene where Pixie speaks french if you kiss her enough? damn

Some of the animations, mainly cowgirl and other woman on top positions, seems to be either anal or between both holes, there is one scene (can't remember where, maybe someone else knows) where you can see the entire pussy, front and back, while they are talking about how the dick feels in their vagina

sorry this is not too helpful and says where specifically those scenes are

on the topic of the stats, does the titles mean anything? or is it planned to?

however the launcher crashes on setup, gotta love the Pid it can't read 

I would like to know, where do you pull inspiration for some of your designs?

like why Asteria have those back spikes, QQ have the look they do, but does not use purple despite what she was made for...

don't get me wrong, i love it all, just curious

we do have the pregnant model of Quarinah
when she tells she can change to fit, so it might be possible in the future for you to 'role-play' her being pregnant and the like, i'd guess at least

what the hell happened here?

the text in Act 3 about that was good, i could feel what was going on, same with Annie and Kana, heres hoping they get better, they deserve happiness :)

damn, first time that have happened, the Launcher normally don't bug out like that for me

Guess i have to make space for the game outside the launcher then, can i move my save over or is it incompatible?

"Talk to Ami" in the East Hallway during Act 3 results in a static picture of Ami staying on screen til you leave her options, and another that jumps in when she talks.

the top with the date, inventory, and such dissapear and do not come back before you move to another area, looking around or going to the Human Floor does not change this, only going to another area, like Your Bedroom or the West Hallway

I can't find it, i don't get further than GamCore, where i found this game.

i can however download the Ren'Py log

so how do i put it in? my acc. is only as old as my first post in here, i don't know how to do much yet

Thought so much, just wanted to make sure

that they are fixed like this also makes it easier to expand on what you can do with them i'd guess

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How do i do that?

it won't let me use the "Open" "Copy BBCode" or "Copy Markdown" tabs at the bottom

Trying to open the Main Menu gives an 'exception' (aka. can't do it) if i ignore or roll back it just puts me back in the game where i were before.

I am at Act 3, day 391, if that has anything to do with it

(1 edit)

Maybe spoiler for act 3 for some, you have been warned i guess.

In act 3 when you talk to the Minions in the Forest, going back with the "Goodbye" option to the screen where you can choose to talk with either Maven or the Minions, it will be Maven that says goodbye instead of the Minions

It is the same if you go to mate with them, it will be Maven talking

If you do the first quest for Dates and get them all 'right'

then you can just talk with the Trickster again to continue on

And correction to the answering correctly part of your comment, if they don't have enough love for you (not enough hearts), then they will turn you down when you try to push for more

When i started the game and saw the option, i thought it was like the pregnancy fetish would be all there was to it, so i had it turned off there, after finding out it was not i went on a spree to make up for lost time, though i refused to use the potions

I'd wager at least some that turn it off thought like me, and then never remembered/revisited that menu

That is fair, i'd also love to be able to go on a picnic with the little ones

BTW. i noticed i got a lot more of one gender than the other, is it a chance thing for the gender, or are there only that one gender for that one woman?

Even if you don't do much more with the pregnancy stuff i'll keep using it, and love all my precious little bundles of happiness

Kiddo joins you for barbells

This, just like Gramps keeps not answering questions, don't make the game answer everything.

Also, i feel like Exploration was quickly over and done, so i hope we can get some more areas under the Exploration tabs in the different areas.

i have a 'complaint'(really just a request), can you please let us kiss the characters while they are pregnant? like i got Annie knocked up, and when i choose the "Let's be naughty" option it goes straight to sex, instead of letting me kiss her it goes straight to sex.
(In general, let me kiss all the girls, both when they are pregnant and when they are not)

Sidenote: please let us have some more text with the pregnant version of our girls, like feeling the baby kicking in the belly

thanks in advance, love the game :)